Tuesday 5 November 2013

january 2013

#  Direct benefit transfer started on 1 jan 2013
The DCBT 1st phase rollout started on 1.1.13 in 43 districts of 16 states under 26 different schemes like pension, scholarships, NREGA wages etc.

# Aryabhatta Awards by ASI goes to Muthunayagam and Saraswat.
The Astronomical society of india (ASI) announced names of the former secretary of Deppt. of Ocean Development , Dr. A.E. Muthunayagam & Dr. V.K. Saraswat , Scientific advisor to the Defence Ministry for the prestigious Aryabhatta Award for year 2010 & 2011 respectively. The two have been selected for their achievements in rocketry.

# S. Rama Krishanan took as director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, Thiruvananthapuram.
He replaced P. S Veeraraghavan. He was honoured Padma Shri in 2003.
He is an expert in Aerospace propulsion, Launch Vehicle Sys and served as mission director for PSLV C1,C2,C3,C4 flights, chandrayaan mission, and a major contributor in india's first Launch vehicle SLV-3

# India and Pakistan Exchanged Nuclear Units List as per the agreement , 1988
India and Pakistan exchanged their nuclear units’ lists on 1 January 2013, as it is customary since 20 years. The list which contains the names of nuclear units of two countries, are exchanged between India and Pakistan as a custom and part of an agreement which prevents them from aiming the nuclear installations of each others’ nations. 
The exchange of the list of nuclear units has been going on, on 1 January every year since 1992. This is a customary action as a part of Agreement on Prohibition of Attacks against Nuclear Installations and Facilities which was signed in December 1988 .

Syed Asif Ibrahim Took Over as the Director of Intelligence Bureau
Syed Asif Ibrahim, the 1977 Madhya Pradesh cadre IPS officer took over the office of Intelligence Bureau as a director on 1 January 2013 from Nehchal Sandhu. 
Alok Joshi, the Haryana cadre IPS officer on the other hand took over the office of RAW as the director on 31 December 2012.
Ranjit Sinha, the Bihar Cadre Senior IPS Officer of 1974 batch was appointed as next director of Central Bureau of Investigation on 22 November 2012 for two years. 

Oldest Fossil of the Earth from 3.5 Billion Years Ago Discovered in Australia 
Scientists while analysing the Australian rocks claimed that they discovered certain traces of bacteria in Western Australia's Pilbara region, which lived a record-breaking 3.49 billion years ago. The biochemist at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Nora Noffke described that the traces of bacteria are among the oldest fossils ever found and therefore they are said to be the oldest ancestors of humans.

#Chief Justice of India Inaugurated First Fast-Track Court in Delhi for Hearing Rape 
Chief Justice of India (CJI) Altamas Kabir inaugurated the first fast-track court in Delhi on 2 January 2013 for dealing with the crimes against females. The first fast-track court is one among other four fast-track courts which would deal with the cases of crime against the women. This court is set up in the Saket Court Complex and the first case to be heard here is that of the Delhi gangrape which took place on 16 December 2012. 
Other fast track courts would function from 3 January 2013 at Rohini, Tis Hazari and Dwarka in New Delhi. In the first rape case which would be heard in the fast-track court, the Delhi Police decided to submit a 1000-page chargesheet in the magistrate court in Saket on 3 January 2013 after which it would move to fast-track court where hearing will take place on daily trial basis.

#Union Government constituted the 14th Finance Commission under Former RBI Governor YV Reddy
y v reddy
Union Government on 2 January 2013 constituted the 14th Finance Commission under former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Yaga Venugopal Reddy. The commission under YV Reddy is going to primarily review finances of the governments keeping in mind the fiscal consolidation road map that was laid out by his predecessor Vijay Kelkar, the head of 13th finance Commission.

The Commission would have three full-time members-
• Sushma Nath, Former Finance Secretary
• M. Govind Rao ,Director, NIPFP and
• Sudipto Mundle Former Acting Chairman of  National Statistical.

The Commission would also have Abhijit Sen , the Member of Planning Commission as its part-time member. Also, Ajay Narayan Jha had been appointed Secretary to the Commission.

The commission has to give its report by October next year and the recommendations will come into effect from April, 2015 for a five-year period.

About Finance Commission
The Finannce commission is set up every five years. Article 280 of the Constitution provides for setting up of a finance commission to recommend how net earnings of taxes are to be divided between the Union and states and subsequently among the states.

The Finance Commission Act of 1951 states the terms of qualification, appointment and disqualification, the term, eligibility and powers of the Finance Commission.

Functions 14th Finance Commission will Perform

• Among the new areas of recommendations on public sector units (PSUs), the commission will suggest how to list these units on the bourses and will also give its prescriptions on the disinvestment process.
• The commission has also been asked to recommend how non-priority PSUs be relinquished.
• The commission will recommend measures for segregating the pricing of public utility services such as drinking water, irrigation, power and public transport from policy fluctuations through statutory provisions.
• It will also suggest measures for maintaining a stable and sustainable fiscal environment consistent with equitable growth including suggestions to amend the Fiscal Responsibility Budget Management Act.

# Urjit Patel Was Appointed As the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India
urjit patel
Urjit Patel was appointed as the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India on 3 January 2013. Urjit Patel succeeds Subir Gokarn, who handled Monetary Policy in RBI. The three-year term of Subir Gokarn terminated in November 2012 but he was given an extension which ended finally on 31 December 2012.
There are in all four Deputy Governor Posts in RBI. With the termination of term of Subir Gokarn, one post was vacant.

Government of Odisha launched Public Service Delivery System 
The government of Odisha on 2 January 2013 launched the much-sought after public services Delivery System for citizens under the Odisha Right to Public Service Act, 2012.

Under this new act, people would be getting services like issue of driving license, birth and death certificates, passport and trade license within a stipulated period of time. The act was passed during the winter session of the assembly in month of December 2012.
Altogether 32 services of seven administrative departments will come under the purview of the Act.

 The departments which would provide services in the first phase were – 
I. Commerce and Transport (11) 
II. Revenue and Disaster Management (12)
III. Health and Family Welfare (3) 
IV. Finance (2) 
V. Home (2)
VI. Rural Development (1) 
VII. Women and Child Development (1). 

The state government had highly instructed departments to fix the time limit for a particular service and display it for public knowledge. As per the Official sources about 100 services would be provided to the people under the new act.
Odisha is 12th state among other states of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh to implement the law.


burning issues

India's fastest supercomputer SAGA-220

ISRO unveiled india's fastest supercomputer SAGA-220 on 2nd may, 2011.
its peak performance= 220 trillion flops/sec
The supercomputer facilty named as Satish Dhawan Supercomputer facility is located at Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC) .
SAGA-220 ( Supercomputer for Aerospace with GPU Architecture-220 TeraFLOPS) is ranked 86 in world's top 500.
#Sequoia, the US super computer, was crowned the fastest computer in the world on 17 June 2012. Situated at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, Sequoia is able to make 16.32 quadrillion calculations per second (16.32 petaflops/s). Developed by IBM, the supercomputer belongs from IBM’s BlueGene family, which runs on Power processors.
>Sequoia help the United States keep its nuclear stockpile safe, secure and effective without the need for underground testing.
>With 253 of 500 systems US holds the highest share of world’s fastest computers. Asia holds 121 systems, with China (68 systems) and Japan (34 systems) leading in that region. Europe has 107 systems with the U.K. (25), France (22) and Germany (20)

The top 10 Powerful Supercomputers of the world:

1. Sequoia at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California - US
2. K Computer at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science campus in Kobe - Japan
3. Mira at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois - US
4. SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Garching - Germany
5. Tianhe-1A at National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin - China
6. Jaguar at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee - US
7. Fermi at CINECA in Bologna - Italy
8. JuQueen at Forschungszentrum Juelich in Julich - Germany
9. Curie thin nodes at CEA/TGCC-GENCI in Bruyeres-le-Chatel - France
10. Nebulae at National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen - China

Where does India stand in the list of top 500 computers?

> India has got 11 supercomputers in the Top 500 list.
> The CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation (C-MMACS), ranked 58, while SAGA-220, developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) and the IISc, ranked 86.
> PARAM 8000 is broadly considered as India’s first supercomputer. It was built by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) with Russian collaboration.


coming soon

Direct Cash Benefits Transfer

Direct Cash Benefits Transfer 

The Union Government on 25 October 2012 constituted a National Committee on Direct Cash Transfers. The committee would be responsible to coordinate in development of the process for making the transfer of the cash directly to the individuals, being provided under different types of government schemes and programs.
The prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh would be the chairman of the committee and group of ministers would include 11 cabinet ministers, 2 ministers of state with independent charges, the deputy chairman planning commission, the chairman UIDAI , the cabinet Secretary with the principal Secretary to the PM as the convenor. The PM can invite some more officers, ministers, or any expert for the committee meetings. 