Monday 6 January 2014

Two New-Born Giant Planets Observed Around the Star ( Jan, 2013)

Astronomers studying about the newborn star called HD 142527, observed glimpses of the planets which were forming around it, depicting the stage of  planetary evolution which was never seen before. The new-born planets were observed using the largest radio telescope on Earth, Atacama Large Millimetre /submillimeter Array in the Atacama Desert of Chile.  

It was observed that  streams of gases  were flowing through the gap found in the disc of the material that was surrounding the young star supported theories, about how these planets grew. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) described  the vast stream of gases were flowing through the gap in disc. 

Astronomers were studying the HD 142527 which is 450 light years away from the Earth. It was found that this star is surrounded by cosmic dust as well as a disc of gases. The disc is segregated into an inner as well as an outer part with the help of a gap. The gap might have been created by newly formed  giant planets of gas which were clearing out the orbits as they revolved around the star. 

The astronomer leading the study, Simon Casassus explained that these giant planets grew in size by capturing gases from the outer discs, from the streams which act like  bridges across the gap in the disc. Simon Casassus also explained that astronomers were predicting  the existence of these streams but this was the first time that they were observed directly.

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